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With the weather getting decidedly warmer in the past few weeks, you may well be looking for ways to reduce energy use and increase home comfort. Want to know what home projects yield the most effective results?

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Not everything about the summer season is swimming and cookouts. Want to know what kinds of damage you might be dealing with this year? Follow along with the home service specialists at Shanco while we tell you what to expect, and what to do about it!

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Our spring and summer seasons carry some risks to your home that you may or may not be considering! There’s the rain, sure; you probably thought of that first. But the real big (but sneaky) one? The sun!

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As one of the first major lines of defense for your home against sun, wind, and rain, the health and effectiveness of your wood siding is vital. Not to mention it’s a considerable investment, too, and one you’d likely prefer to keep around.

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Whether you’re looking to sell soon in Maryland, or you are interested in maybe flipping your home in the future, you’re always looking for the best ways to improve home value. Typically, you’ll find it in home improvement with a professional. But what services “pay out” the best?

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No doubt about it, a Maryland winter can be really pretty. But we can go days without getting much sun, either through cloud cover, or just plain being stuck indoors. Is the season getting you down a bit this year? Because if it is, the team at Shanco might have some good news for you.

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Do you have a handyman (or woman) in your house?  From clearing blocked gutters to building a new shelving unit, your handyman is great to have around. Show some love by taking advantage of the after-holiday sales and buying one of these tools. 1.

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We guarantee it's on your wish list, and now you have an excuse to get one. We're talking about drones, of course, and here's the secret weapon that can help ensure you get one this month: Owning a drone can actually save you money on home and roof repairs.  Yes, we're serious.

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If you’ve been toying with the idea of siding replacement in Columbia, MD, the experts at Shanco are here today to tell you that now is the time! Getting your siding needs handled before winter sets in can provide you with a bunch of great benefits that you might sorely miss come the cold snap.

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The roof on your Rockville home getting up there in the years? If so, you might want to start shopping around for a roof replacement.

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